Weebo Pets knows you need just three things to train a dog: a good whistle, a delicious reward, and a furry companion! And this is a good whistle. Brilliant stainless steel construction, fully adjustable sound frequency, a cap to keep out dirt, dust, and pocket lint, even a removable chain and two key rings that provide dozens of different convenient carrying options.
The key to whistle training is connecting the sound of the whistle with food, or a similar treat. The very same, time-tested way Pavlov trained his dogs to salivate at the sound of a tuning fork.
First, unscrew the bottom of the whistle, and loosen the internal screw. This controls the frequency of the whistle. Blow the whistle, and tighten or loosen the internal screw until your dog responds to the sound. Check for a helpful perk of his or her ears. Once you've got your frequency, hold the screw securely, and tighten the locking nut to lock that frequency in place. It's important to always use the same frequency, because your dog's ears can tell. Now you're ready to train!
Over the course of a few weeks, start to associate the sound of the whistle with intermittent reward. Sound the whistle in front of your dog, then offer a treat. Eventu(more...)