The Mail is Here!
Everyone loves getting mail. Nothing beats seeing the postman place a stack of letters into your mailbox. Racing down the driveway. You get a sense of joy when you open it up to see if your favorite magazine, a birthday card, or kind letter from a friend is inside. *Record Scratch* Until you're an adult.
But that's what is great about being a mailman: you don't have to worry about what's inside the mail. You ever hear the old adage "don't shoot the messenger?" well it's true. These men and women hold to their route everyday just to make sure you get all your mail on time, be kind and courteous. Pretty selfless! Why not honor them by wearing this US Letter Carrier costume accessory kit for Halloween? Note: your dog will probably hate you for wearing this.
Comes with a mailman vest and a matching hat and satchel with a fun parody logo of "United States Letter Carrier." Deliver something special to a friend, send love letters to your spouse, dress up for career day, or pretend to be mailman to freak out your neighbors. We suggest you at least wear this for Halloween and costume parties.
Why You'll Love It
This costume transforms anyone into an everyday hero. While people tend to take them for granted, don't mess with a postal worker, they know where you live! Be sure to use #hauntlook and share some photos on social media or send us a letter you mailman you!